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Thursday, 24 February 2011

Andrej Pejic

Watch out for this model. Andrej Pejic is taking the runway by storm with his (yes, thats right, it's a guy) amazing good looks and ability to play both a man and a woman on the runway.

Andrej as the bride
I find the whole idea of cross-gender models amazing and think that it is a truly innovative idea. And I must say, hes rather intriguing to look at.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

"... She made me promise that I would wear eyeliner from that moment onwards - regardless of whether i ended up in a wheelchair or not. That way, she reasoned, I was sure to distinguish between what was really worth crying about, and what was not. I made and kept that promise, and it has after affected my dealings with men from that day on. Eyeliner has made me ruthless, unbreakable; it has kept me beyond the reach of emotional hurt or humiliation." Rana Kabbani, Vogue (March 2011)

I came across this quote when shamelessly doodling in this months Vogue. This writer's friend may be one of the wisest women alive.


Since moving away to Nottingham for University I have discovered a new found love for all things Vintage. I have always liked the idea of it but never sought to find anything for myself. This new city, however, is filled with hidden gems around every corner.

Here is an article I wrote based around Vintage and in the style of Elle magazine.

Giovanni Bedin and the House of Worth

These incredible creations are worth a look.

“The tutus – I like the idea that women in the 19th Century didn’t wear mini skirts but the basque was very important and I like the idea of wearing the volume but reducing the length,” explained Bedin of his creations.

Bedin also explains that his dresses are versatile, the tutus being removable and allowing the bodice to be worn separately, perhaps with jeans.

These cute but sexy creations are enough to make any woman melt. Looking as if they could have walked off the set of Black Swan, they show detail and quality at its best, as well as a bit of showbizz drama, allowing all us women to be transported back to our childhood days, where dressing as a ballerina was regular... and acceptable .

Click for more Bedin brilliance

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Yesterday my friends showed me an amazing book called PostSecret. An ongoing art project that allows people to send in postcards telling their secrets in creative ways, hoping it will allow them to move on. It took me on an emotional rollercoaster in the space of 10 minutes and I thought it was something everyone should be able to experience. It really shows how people are affected by different things and was really powerful.

To see PostSecret click here

A little example and one of my favourites

Monday, 14 February 2011

I really admire the Reiss brand and think that it is really going places. It is no longer being seen as a brand for occasion wear only, but has re-branded itself as cool and trendy, especially with its new sub brand 1971. I loved the A/W 2010 'Elements' campaign because of the way it portrayed Reiss in a new light to consumers, it showed off the idea that the brand is a lot more than just expensive, pretty clothing, but that it has a personality.

This new range is portrayed as gritty, dark, sexy and oozes quality that can 'brave the elements'.

Reiss Fragrance

These are a few images from my recent University project, a 2000 word marketing report discussing a new brand extension for Reiss.