It is very true that being an intern is truly the lowest of the low, and although I think my experience was definitely worth while, there is no way I will be doing it again in a hurry.
I'm guessing right now you are thinking, "Lazy student!!" Well, I beg to differ, if anything I wish I had more to do. There was a lot of waiting around, waiting for instruction. Don't get me wrong, the 16 hour shift at the end truly made up for it.... a bit too much! Smuggling brioches and cereal bars down my neck at any given opportunity was not my finest hour, and the moment when someone used my bottle of water for the steamer.... well it truly pained me, maybe it was because I was tired and becoming over emotional, I don't know.
I will tell you now... after working pretty much none stop for that amount of time, your mind turns to scrabble and even the simplest task becomes infuriating. For example, me attempting to tape together a box?... lets just not go there.
The fashion show itself was an incredible success! I was a model dresser backstage.. sounds simple doesn't it? Well trying to undress and re-dress a model twice your size in the space of 30 seconds? Not as simple as it seems. I was thoroughly over-ecstatic at myself when nothing went wrong! It was a strange atmosphere in the back room, seeing your model for the briefest of moments, the time filled with strange, motivational and teamwork speeches on both parts. For that brief hour I was hyped up to the maximum!
Here are some pictures taken during and after the show.
My model third from the right, looking fabulous |
My model far left. The finale |
And my reward for my hard work????...... Buying a bloody big Burger King :)