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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Exit - A concept for Weekend Mens at London Fashion Weekend

London Fashion Weekend approached my course at University with a task, to attract more people to the event on a small budget. We were asked to choose one aspect of the event to target and focus on, creating a concept which would increase footfall and sales.

My concept was aimed at Weekend Mens. Having attended the event I realised that menswear seemed to have been shoved somewhat to the side, into a small room to be specific, where even the workers at the event did not seem sure where to stand. It became very clear to me that this was a major issue, as I have never in all my 21 years met a man who would stay for long, if at all, in such a small and cluttered environment. In my opinion it just isn't in many men's natures to rummage through any type of jumble sale, even if they might find a shirt worth taking home.

So this was my thinking, what if menswear was more of a spectacle? A place for men to escape the hustle, bustle and craziness of a female shopping environment.

So here came the idea for 'The Exit'. A place for men to relax but without alienating the current clientelle.

Above is the viral video for the concept. A humorous way of describing the new menswear section at London Fashion Weekend. The idea being to move this section to the embankment galleries, a larger, less stressful area. The floor below this will be a chill-out area, with refreshments, a seating area and a barbers, so that men can be pampered as well as women.

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